Brynne Meza

Brynne has lived in and around San Diego county for over 30 years, from Alpine in East county all the way to Murrieta. After graduating from college, she realized that working with people is her passion and she has been working providing service to the public for over 15 years. This has instilled in her core values of hard work, integrity and honesty, which she brings to all her interactions.

As a mother of two young children, Brynne understands how important it is to locate the perfect neighborhood and home for your family. Her in-depth knowledge of the San Diego and Temecula/Murrieta areas allows her to work with you to find the neighborhood that is the best fit for you.

2820 Camino Del Rio South, Ste. 314
San Diego, CA 92108

Phone: (760) 807-7642

License Number
DRE #02069675


Cheri Bell